Dear Warner Parents,
This is David MacLeod, superintendent of Warner Unified with an important message.
I am notifying you that Warner Unified has a boil water notice in effect. With this said I do want to remind you that all students are already given bottled water because of our existing arsenic issue. This only affects our cafeteria which is following all safety protocols.
Due to the recent Coliform and E-Coli Bacteria PRESENT
sample results reported on May 21st, 2022, the State Water
Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, and the
Warner Unified School District is advising all its customers
to only use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and
cooking purposes as a safety precaution to avoid stomach or
intestinal illness. The affected area includes: all consumers of
the main Warner Unified School Campus and does not
impact the Resource Center or ball fields across the street
from the main campus. We will inform you when tests show that water is safe to drink. If you have any questions, please call the district office.